I feel like I've suffered a severe case of whiplash this morning. The
first CNN news alert that popped up on my iPad informed me the
individual mandate of the healthcare law had been struck down by the
Supreme Court. Imagine my surprise when a few minutes later a
correction was issued stating the the court had upheld all of the health
care law. Now that is a case of whiplash if I ever saw it!
These are the events that make the workings of government so fascinating
to me. Notice I said the workings of government, not politics. I've
read quite a bit about the Supremes and find the history of the court to
be an interesting read.
The court is made up of nine justices. The four liberal justices are
Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan. The five conservative justices
are Scalia, Alito, Thomas, Kennedy, and Chief Justice Roberts.
For the law to pass a conservative justice had to vote with the
liberals. If it passed I expected Justice Kennedy would be the swing
vote. Since Justice O'Conner's retirement he has been tagged with the
swing voter title. I was major surprised to learn Chief Justice Roberts
cast the deciding vote.
Regardless of your opinion of the decision life will go on, this country
is not doomed, nor going to hell in a handbasket. As soon as this
decision moves out of the media cycle we will return to life as it was
before the decision. We've had many important decisions by the Supreme
Court, some we liked, some we didn't, but we continue to be a great
country and I'm thankful to be a part of it.
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